About Us
Rainbow Meditech Sdn Bhd can be your solution for:
Imaging & Biomedical Services
Medical & Dental Supplies
Medical IT Services
Pre-Owned & Refurbished Imaging Equipment
Rainbow Meditech Sdn Bhd was the founded in 2009 with the objective to fill the gap in the Diagnostic Radiology market outside Metropolitan Cities and wanted to oer a "brand indierent" solution and focus on being an advocate for the Imaging and biomedical Now, almost 6 years later, Rainbow Meditech Sdn Bhd has successfully diversified into a multi-©\faceted, multi-dimensional operation oering the consumer a solution for any Imaging equipment required. Rainbow Meditech growth and success can be directly linked to the fundamental beliefs behind the Companies values;
“Staying true to the original focus on meeting the customer's needs and providing exceptional quality at an excellent value”.
Our Head oce is based in Kuala Lumpur City of Malaysia where we have developed and operate a full customer responsive works unit capable of supporting our clients on a 24/7 basis. Our current annual turn over is around two million Ringgit Malaysia. We deal with a diverse client base within the health and education sector, which incorporates, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Diagnostic Centers, Hospitals, both Public and Private, and independent Private and specialists in Radiology, Cardiology, Neurology, Orthopedics, Gynecology for a full range of their medical equipment. Whether it is the servicing of your existing medical, laboratory and imaging equipment or merely sales and subsequent servicing of replacement equipment; a good responsive service is what keeps your equipment functioning profitably. An ecient, flexible and extremely dedicated medical imaging equipment service provider will ensure your maximum return on investment for the equipment’s life cycle.
We have employed within our company, imaging engineers and biomedical engineers stationed all over Malaysia to take care of regular medical equipment maintenance. Technology evolves continually, so we are committed to being passionate in providing a client responsive service that is customer focused, customer friendly and customer driven.
Our International branches operate in India and USA
“Staying true to the original focus on meeting the customer's needs and providing exceptional quality at an excellent value”.
Our Head oce is based in Kuala Lumpur City of Malaysia where we have developed and operate a full customer responsive works unit capable of supporting our clients on a 24/7 basis. Our current annual turn over is around two million Ringgit Malaysia. We deal with a diverse client base within the health and education sector, which incorporates, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Diagnostic Centers, Hospitals, both Public and Private, and independent Private and specialists in Radiology, Cardiology, Neurology, Orthopedics, Gynecology for a full range of their medical equipment. Whether it is the servicing of your existing medical, laboratory and imaging equipment or merely sales and subsequent servicing of replacement equipment; a good responsive service is what keeps your equipment functioning profitably. An ecient, flexible and extremely dedicated medical imaging equipment service provider will ensure your maximum return on investment for the equipment’s life cycle.
We have employed within our company, imaging engineers and biomedical engineers stationed all over Malaysia to take care of regular medical equipment maintenance. Technology evolves continually, so we are committed to being passionate in providing a client responsive service that is customer focused, customer friendly and customer driven.
Our International branches operate in India and USA